Friday, October 8, 2010

That's why i'm doing this...

So, I am about to start blogging and I'm not really sure why...Well, i actually do know why, i'm just not sure if its all that good of an idea. You see, ever since I learned of blogging in my early years of motherhood I have been trying and failing to blog. I am a terrible blogger, absolutely terrible. Like completely and totally terrible...
So, why would I subject myself and you to this disaster? I am doing this because of...

I am starting this blog to document my completion of The Sketchbook Project . So not only am I starting a blog, I have also taken on the committed completion of an 80 page sketchbook to be finished and postmarked by January 15, 2011. All of this on top of my full-time job and not to mention the care of my daughter and husband.

I feel like life is slipping away.
Months are flying by without recognition...where did september go and where was I?
My job has become my main focus and although I love my job and working for my family, I need to remember that I am not alive to do this job, its just a job. So this project seemed like a good way to help me slow down...My hope is that this will help me to slow things down a bit, a steady project (that I am now, thanks to this here blog, accountable to finish) that will force to me to sit and think and create every day and because I am requesting the help of my soon to be 6 year old, Emma, I will get to enjoy doing these things with her too, something that we have forfeited since the beginning of her new full school day. 

So,(I start a lot of my sentences with so...) I am going to track my progress by taking photos of what I am doing everyday. I will update as often as I can but I need to be realistic here, once a week?? Maybe a goal of 4 times a week to start and I can go from there...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, unless this thing that may have narrowly missed killing you injured you in some other way that actually made you weaker...

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